[Read] Options as a Strategic Investment BY : Lawrence G. McMillan

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Options as a Strategic Investment

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Author : Lawrence G. McMillan

Title : Options as a Strategic Investment


Get book ====> Options as a Strategic Investment. Full supports all version of your device, includes PDF, ePub and Kindle version. All books format are mobile-friendly. Read and download online as many books as you like for personal use.
The market in listed options and non-equity option products provides investors and traders with a wealth of new, strategic opportunities for managing their investments. This updated and revised Fifth Edition of the bestselling Options as a Strategic Investment gives you the latest market-tested tools for improving the earnings potential of your portfolio while reducing downside risk?no matter how the market is performing. Inside this revised edition are scores of proven techniques and business-tested tactics for investing in many of the innovative new options products available. You will find: ?Buy and sell strategies for Long Term Equity Anticipation Securities (LEAPS) ?A thorough analysis of neutral trading, how it works, and various ways it can improve readers? overall profit picture ?Detailed guidance for investing in Preferred Equity Redemption Cumulative Stocks (PERCS) and how to hedge them with common and regular options ?An extensive overview of futures and futures options


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